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The Face Mask Song
by Dennis Hughes

I love my mask, I love my mask
It's on my face you don't have to ask
I'll keep it on all the day long
Sing it with me the face mask song

I hate my mask, I hate my mask
It's just a big pain in the ass
I get what I want and when I can't
I have the right to pout and rant!

We want our own way we want it today
"Don't tread on me" the politicians say
What really counts is a person's opinion
Who gives a dang if scientists chime in?

The United States has egg on it's face
We're disunited while we virus trace
What is the news? Which way will it spin?
Meanwhile look at the shape we're in

I hate my mask, I hate my mask
It's just a big pain in the ass
I get what I want and when I can't
I have the right to pout and rant!

I love my mask, I love my mask
It's on my face you don't have to ask
I'll keep it on all the day long
Sing it with me the face mask song

©2021 Dennis Hughes -all rights reserved
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©2021 Dennis Hughes -all rights reserved Share Organics -  Santa Rosa, CA